maborFC 1978

maborFC 1978

Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Latihan Dasar sang Keeper

Alhamdulillah, puji Syukur kehadirat Illahi bahwasanya pada saat latihan yang berlangsung setiap hari Rabu dan Minggu ini, dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan tanpa hambatan apapun.
Demikian kami tampilkan foto-foto hasil daripada latihan pada hari Minggu, 12 Mei 2013, berlokasi di lapangan sepakbola Jutek Lanud Hussein Sulaeman, Margahayu Kabupaten Bandung.

Alhamdulillah, Praise Gratitude divine presence that at the time of exercise which takes place every Wednesday and Sunday, can be done well and without any hindrance.
Thus our results show photographs of the exercises on Sunday, May 12, 2013, located in Hussein Air Base Field football Jutek Sulaiman, Margahayu Bandung regency.

Teknik dasar tangkap bola bawah
Basic techniques of catching the ball down

Teknik dasar tangkap bola sudut kanan
Basic techniques of catching the ball right corner

 Teknik dasar tangkap bola sudut kiri
Basic techniques of catching the ball left corner

 Teknik dasar cara menjatuhkan badan 
ke arah sudut kanan
Basic techniques of how to drop the weight to the right corner

 Teknik dasar bola gulir (atas)
The basic technique scroll ball (above)

 Teknik dasar bola gulir (sampingkiri)
The basic technique scroll ball (left side)

Teknik dasar over bola jarak pendek
The basic technique ball over short distances

 Saat latihan bersama dua tim 2000 - 2001
When training with the two teams 2000 - 2001

 Tidur pulas, setelah selesai latihan...
cape dan badan lemas.
Tapi tetap SEMANGAT...!!!

Fast asleep, after class ... 
tired and limp body. 
But still SPIRIT boy ...!

Hello ... Hello ... Mabor
let's keep fighting
Hello ... Hello ... Mabor
do not ever stop
to strive for
all children
now it's time we stepped
by nation states

taken from the song : Halo halo Bandung

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Dasar tekhnik yg mantap perlu pengembangn terus terhadap kiper" muda masa depan..